AddOns: Gundam Century TC storyline and changes without connection to StarCraft Beta 1.0 available (changes Terran into Federation without sound and portrait changes) http://gundamcentury.tech-base.com StarTrek TC nomen est omen http://www.camsys.org/StarTrek/ The Episode 1 TC nomen est omen, quoque http://ep1.infoceptor.com/ WarCraft 2 TC Terrans are converted to Humans, Protoss are now Orcs, and Zerg stay as they are Alpha 3.01 available (changes the races into the new, the Terran AddOns still cause trouble, some p�ortraits and sounds, including Preview Campaign (for Orcs)) http://www.infoceptor.com/war2tc/ SC: Evolution is a TC, it changes SC units into "better" units http://sc-evolution.virtualave.net/main.html BioWeaponz some new units, two new upgrades for each race http://bio.starcraft.etmnet.com/ Aqueous Rift surely the best SC AddOn currently, it adds nautic units to SC http://www.aqueousrift.com/ TargetEarth grows very slowly, adds some new units http://www.targetearth.campaigncreations.com/ Others: Blizzard who doesn't now? http://www.blizzard.com CampaignCreations large (5-8) archive of campaigns http://www.campaigncreations.com/ Antioch Chronicles some say, it's (they're?) the best SC campaign(s?) ever designed http://antioch.tech-base.com/ Tech-Base sponsor-site of some AddOns http://www.tech-base.com/ SC Infoceptor sponsor-site of some other AddOns http://www.infoceptor.com